TV Babies Power Ranking: Which Tot Reigns Supreme?

Babies are the worst. Not real ones — they’re totally cute and lovable. We’re talking about TV babies, because it’s been scientifically proven that TV babies ruin shows.

But there’s something of a baby boom on television right now, and the havoc that these tiny tots wreak correlates directly to how much power they wield over their show. Do they drive storylines? Do they cause other characters to change? Are they perhaps even — gasp! — the reason the show exists?

We’ll see just how much a baby can move mountains and set the seas churning on this week’s Grandfathered, when little Edie has her second birthday party. She hasn’t lifted a finger, and Richie Sambora is going to be there!

So, we devised a formula — including story sway, cuteness, and fan support — to calculate just how powerful 14 current TV babies are. (For fairness, we excluded babies who are actively talking.)

Who will emerge triumphant from this brutal Baby Battle Royale?