Pic Collage review

With its impressive usability and abundance of options, Pic Collage makes every other Android collaging app feel meager. You'll especially like the highly intuitive image manipulation controls and the sophisticated yet facile collage customization process.


Facile collaging: Despite the scores of layouts, stickers, and fonts you can choose from, with Pic Collage you can make a stunning collage in less than a minute because you can add only the elements you want to your creation, without having to go through a rigid step-by-step process. What's more, you can quickly grab photos from your local gallery, Facebook, the Web, or your camera.

Outstanding photo manipulation controls: You can resize images with pinch-to-zoom, send them to the foreground or background with a quick or long tap, rotate them by holding one finger on them and moving the others around, and best of all, bring up a menu with editing and clipping options by double-tapping images. All these controls are highly responsive and, frankly, a joy to use.

Clipping feature: The easy clipping for removing people or items from a photo and transporting them to a collage stimulates your creativity, making this app much more exciting than other collage apps, which allow you to manipulate only whole images and not the elements in them.


Pricey stickers: While the app boasts plenty of free stickers, there are several premium packs priced at $1.99, which we feel are not worth the money.

Default backgrounds only: The app offers you quite a few backgrounds, but if you use it a lot, they will become repetitive. You can set one of your images as the background, but it usually appears zoomed in -- you can't customize how it shows up.

Bottom Line

Intuitive and graceful, Pic Collage succeeds in packing many exciting features into an easy-to-use interface and keeping the collage creation quick and straightforward. It's no wonder that this app has been downloaded over 60 million times -- it's awesome. Whether you're a photographer or not, you too should try it, especially since the developers have recently enhanced it with social features: user profiles, a stream of featured collages from other users, and comments.

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