Please, No More Clothing that Hugs You for Getting Facebook Likes

The Internet has brought to our attention a horrible invention called a Like-A-Vest that "hugs" you when you get a Facebook like, to which we say: no more. The vest, which puffs up like a blood pressure monitor sleeve when someone likes a photo, status, or video, is about "bringing us closer despite physical distance," as inventor Melissa Chow explains on her site. That would almost be nice if a "like" were the equivalent of true appreciation and affection. But, it certainly is not. On Facebook, people "like" giant tubs of lube and Onion articles about Joe Biden. Every time that ugly puffer vest squeezes your body, your friends and loved ones aren't telling you how much they care for you, they are absentmindedly "heh"-ing at some silly thing on the Internet. Let's not fool ourselves into wearing this thing. 

RELATED: Facebook's Fake 'Like' Clean-Up Won't Do Much for Its Credibility

This isn't the first we've seen of some sort of Internet connected apparel that brings our online lives ever closer to reality, or whatever. The other month, Brazil gave us hangers with "real time likes" of their clothing (pictured right), which is somewhat practical, but still barf. And Ballantine presented T-shirt OS, which, using an LED screen, connected one's T-shirt to the whole of the Internet, including Facebook. Just: no.