Poll: Obama’s approval rating ties all-time low

As President Barack Obama struggles to pass his jobs bill and unemployment remains stagnant at 9.1 percent, the president’s approval rating has dropped again, tying the all-time low measured during his presidency, according to Gallup’s daily tracking poll.

Just 38 percent of Americans said they approved of the president’s job performance from October 4 to October 6, the lowest number Obama has seen.

The president’s approval ratings have hovered consistently around 40 percent since this summer, when he saw successively lower and lower numbers, hitting a new low multiple times.

The last time Obama’s approval ratings were recorded at this level was August 28, in the aftermath of the fight over the debt ceiling and Standard & Poor’s downgrade of the United States’ credit rating.

Obama’s approval rating has also hit all time lows by other polls’ measurements. A Quinnipiac poll released Thursday found Obama with a 41 percent approval rating for the month, the lowest they have ever measured.

The poll was conducted through telephone interviews with approximately 1,500 people, and has a margin of error of plus or minus three points.

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