Poll Shows 2-1 Support of Immigration Policy

By more than a 2-to-1 ratio, Americans favor the Obama administration’s new immigration policy, according to a Bloomberg poll released on Tuesday.

The results, which show that 64 percent of Americans agreed with the policy announced on June 15, suggest that the president has reinforced his standing on immigration, an issue that Romney and Republicans have tried to make headway with recently. Just 30 percent said they disagreed with the policy.

The poll described the policy, distinguishing it from other polls that just ask voters whether or not they agree with the Obama administration's policy without describing it. Those results would likely be more divisive.

"President Obama announced that the U.S. would halt the deportation of some illegal immigrants if they came here before age 16, have been in the country for five years, have no criminal record, are in school or have a high school diploma or have been honorably discharged from the military. Do you agree or disagree with this new policy?" the poll asked.

Republicans, by a 56 percent margin, oppose the president’s policy, while an overwhelming 86 percent of Democrats support it. Among independents, 66 percent were in favor of the policy.

Obama had the upper hand among Latino voters in 2008, winning 67 percent of the demographic. Both campaigns have made a push for this growing population. On Tuesday, the Obama campaign launched Spanish-language television ads in three swing states.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, an oft-mentioned vice presidential contender, halted his plans for an immigration bill in the Senate after Obama’s announcement last week. On Monday, Rubio echoed Romney’s take on the president’s new policy, saying it was politically motivated.

“If you do something that somehow encourages illegal immigration in the future, it's counterproductive. On the other hand, it feels weird to deport a valedictorian who has been here since they were four years old. Trying to find the balance is important,” he said on FNC’s Hannity. “What the president did by ignoring the Constitution and the Congress makes it hard to find that balance, not to mention it's unconstitutional.”

The poll was taken between June 15 and June 18 among 734 likely voters, with a margin of error of 3.6 percent. The poll was done by Selzer & Co., in West Des Moines, Iowa.