Pollution Tourism, Comedy in Qatar, and Obeying the Laws of the Sea

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: Drugs raids and vigilante attacks have made parts of Honduras a focal point in the international drug war. Attacking Mitt Romney's ties to Bain Capital, means attacking financial executives who are also a source of funding for Democrats. The story behind this now famous photograph of a young boy who wanted to touch the President's hair.

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Opinion: A Palestinian man born in Israel can't live in his home country with his wife, because she was born in the West Bank and is not a citizen.

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New York: Ex-employees of the New York Public Library say they aren't allowed to comment about a controversial plan to remake the main branch because they signed non-disparagement agreements.

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Politics: The Senate still hasn't ratified the U.N. "Law of the Sea" treaty that was signed more than 30 years ago.

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Theater: Jim Parsons, of the show The Big Bang Theory, will star in a Broadway revival of Harvey.

Health: Despite high-profile deaths from heart failure, studies show that running marathons is quite safe for most people. 

Books: A Q&A with the author of a new book on "pollution tourism" who visited some of the world's most toxic places.

Business: Private equity is not as easily understood as political ads make it seem.

Travel: Websites that will help you find good and possibly unusual lodging.

Weddings: Same sex couples face an unusual challenge when they decide what to wear to the ceremony.

Movies: A review of Men In Black 3. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is a surprise hit, despite being a cheap movie about old British people in India. The makers of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter are using special military screenings to drum up publicity for the film's release.

Obituaries: Jean Pakter, a city health official who helped New York City create a model for safe, legal abortions and women's health services.

Sunday Magazine: What is it like to be a comedian in the heavily censored country of Qatar?

Photo Gallery of the Day: Scenes from the Egyptian presidential election.