Popular pins on Pinterest: how to frost a rose on a cupcake in 20 secs, dog trundle bed

A Relaxnews selection of trending ideas, tutorials and images from the popular section on content sharing social networking site Pinterest, as recorded on April 3.

1. How to frost a rose on a cupcake in 20 seconds!: 1722 likes, 10057 repins
A video tutorial that shows you how to frost a rose onto a cupcake in 20 seconds using a 2D tip for the frosting.

2. Dumbledore quote on light switch: 1831 likes, 8573 repins
A photo of a light switch with a quote from Harry Potter character Dumbledore “happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

3. HOMEMADE TWIX?!?!?! are you kidding me?!: 997 likes,  6253 repins
A link to a recipe for caramel and chocolate Thousand Dollar Bars.

4. Dog trundle bed: 304 likes, 1453 repins
A dog trundle bed that cleverly hides the dog bed and all its blankets and toys under your bed when the dog is not sleeping in it.

5. Wedding Receptions: 94 likes, 583 repins
Wedding table centerpieces that feature pebbles and orchids in water in a glass vase with tealight candles floating in the top.

Pinterest is a social network that enables users to “pin” beautiful or interesting images they have found on the web into curated “boards” that can be shared with others.