Potterheads Will NOT Be Happy About What Matt Lewis Said About Neville Longbottom

Hold on to your wands Potterheads, because this might shock you.

From Seventeen

At Universal Studio's Celebration of Harry Potter, the cast of talented witches and wizards reunited to celebrate the franchise and discuss what's to come. Matt Lewis – who's still hot, just in case you were wondering – had some very serious things to say about his former character, Neville Longbottom.

Talking to HollywoodLife.com, he addressed whether he would ever revisit his HP character. "I feel like the story arch that Jo wrote and that we tried our best to put on screen was a complete one. I took that journey and finished it the way I wanted to," he said. "He will always hold a fun place in my heart, but I don't feel like there is more that I can do with Neville. I'm happy to leave him."


Thankfully, not all of the Harry Potter cast is so grossly ignorant to our delicate feelings. Rupert Grint, our real life Ronald Weasley, said jokingly, "Um yeah, I think they made a huge mistake in not casting me [in The Cursed Child]."

Evanna Lynch, who played Luna Lovegood, even said that she would be down to act in another HP production.

"As happy as I am that they are exploring the universe and that there are new stories in the universe, I'm so angry I'm not a part of it…100 percent I'd go back and do more," she told HollywoodLife.com.

So now that we know Evanna and Rupert want to continue living in the wizarding world, can we just paint some wrinkles on them and throw them in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child? They're way too young for the "19 years later" roles, but we won't tell if you won't.

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