Find the Right Pre-College Summer Program

As the college admissions process grows more competitive, many high school students are enriching their summers with pre-college summer programs.

These programs are designed to offer a taste of collegiate life and learning. Although there are numerous ways to use your summers creatively and effectively, attendance at one of these programs can greatly strengthen an application, confer college-level credit or introduce you to more rigorous classes than your high school offers.

There are a variety of programs available, with subjects ranging from creative writing to environmental science to international travel. Read on for tips on how to choose the right one for you.

[Find out how to prepare teens for summer college prep programs.]

-- Consider your long-term goals: When considering pre-college summer programs, begin by asking yourself, "What are my goals for college and beyond?" You may not have a specific major in mind just yet, but if you can narrow your academic and career interests to the arts, humanities or sciences, it will help you find a pre-college summer program that suits your needs.

There are several websites that maintain directories of summer programs, such as this list by Usummer. Even at a smaller school like Carleton College in Minnesota, there are a wealth of available opportunities, so be sure to review these directories carefully.

Larger schools, like the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, provide an even wider array. Your options may include leadership seminars, study abroad experiences and traditional academic courses, so evaluate each opportunity fully before you make a decision.

-- Enhance your strengths: Next, review your current grades and extracurriculars. One option is to enroll in a pre-college summer program that emphasizes your strengths.

If you are talented in math and science and think you might like to pursue a career in the so-called STEM fields, a program in engineering or physics could place you in an elite group of college applicants. If you choose this path, search for programs that are tailored to high achievers. The program should push you to improve your skill set, rather than simply explore the field.

[Check out ways to have a productive summer without a job.]

-- Shore up your weaknesses: If your transcript is not strong across multiple disciplines, you risk looking unbalanced as a student. In such cases, identify a pre-college summer program that will help you overcome your challenges. Most colleges seek well-balanced applicants who are capable in all fields, regardless of their planned majors.

For example, if your transcript suggests that you have struggled in history, a program that explores the subject with hands-on projects and small-group instruction could be an excellent choice.

-- Take a cue from college and major requirements: If you are unsure about which path to pursue, you can look to the admissions requirements for your short list of schools, as well as to the requirements for the degrees that interest you. Certain specialized degree programs may have few general education requirements -- an arts school may be primarily interested in your audition or portfolio during the admissions cycle, for instance.

In such a scenario, a pre-college summer program in STEM may not pay dividends from an admissions perspective. Similarly, an engineering college may be much more concerned with your math ability than with your painting experience.

If you are unsure of your future major, or if you plan to attend a school with a focus on liberal education, work on strengthening your weaknesses.

[Learn how to use out-of-school experiences to help choose a college major.]

-- Seek opportunities that award credit: Some institutions offer pre-college summer programs that confer college credit; the specifics differ by institution, as well as by any arrangements with your high school.

Earning credit for a summer program is a win-win situation if you can afford the tuition and invest the time. You will simultaneously boost your application with an additional rigorous class, while also securing college credit before you officially start university.

Certain for-credit programs are more selective and more expensive than noncredit programs. For example, Carnegie Mellon University's Advanced Placement/Early Admission pre-college summer program offers courses in math, engineering, the humanities and science and has prerequisites, which may include minimum standardized test scores.

But there are many subsidized options available, as well as a wealth of scholarships. New York University, which offers a fee-free STEM program targeted at students from disadvantaged backgrounds, is just one such school.

Offerings and incentives vary widely, so Google, as always, is a great tool to have at your disposal.

Brian Witte is a professional SAT tutor with Varsity Tutors. He earned his Bachelor of Science from the University of Washington and holds a Ph.D. from Ohio State University.