Priebus: ‘We Had a Good Week’

Chairman of the Republican National Committee Reince Priebus said on Sunday that, despite all the stumbles from the Romney campaign, “we had a good week last week.”

The comments, made on ABC’s This Week, were an attempt to spin away some of the tough moments experienced by the Romney campaign. “I think that we had a good week last week," he said, adding that, "We were able to frame up the debate last week in the sense of, what future do we want and do you want out there for your kids and grandkids.”

Later on the show, when asked about the remarks, Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod quipped: “I don’t know what prism he’s looking though, I don’t think anyone else would define it as a good week. It was an enlightening week.” Axelrod said that Romney's comments on the “47 percent” who don’t pay federal income taxes was “slandering” to that group.

Earlier in the interview, Priebus said that last week was a “defining week” on the campaign trail, while acknowledging it was tough on Romney.

“It probably wasn't the best-said, you know, moment in the campaign and probably not the best week in the campaign,” he said, adding that “I think we can look back at last week as a campaign in a couple months and say, ‘This was the defining week in both campaigns, where I think both campaigns are crystallizing around a central theme, which is going to be, what kind of future do we want for our kids and grandkids?’”

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