Prince Harry Dashes Through Jamaica, May Want a Date with Katy Perry

Prince Harry Dashes Through Jamaica, May Want a Date with Katy Perry

Welcome to the Smart Set. Every morning we bring you the gossip coverage, filtered. Today: Prince Harry, currently on a goodwill tour of the Carribean, is said to very interested in landing a date with Katy Perry, Tim Tebow denies he'll be The Bachelor, while the creator of The Bachelor goes back to bachelorhood.

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Prince Harry's week-long goodwill tour of Central America and the Caribbean continued yesterday in Jamaica. As you might expect, he had a terrific time. He met with fastest man alive Usain Bolt and defeated him in a good-natured race by blatantly cheating.

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He didn't let the Bolt race stop him from showing up, as The Telegraph notes, in "blue suede shoes and beige trousers" at a charity event in Kingston, where he briefly danced to a steel drum version of Bob Marley's "One Love." It goes without saying he looked a little goofy -- such are the consequences of royalty dancing in blue suede shoes -- but his shimmying skills were a revelation. [The Daily Mail, The Telegraph, photos via Reuters]

Also on the subject of Prince Harry: apparently he's "secretly wooing" Katy Perry, and is trying to convince organizers to let her perform in some capacity at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebration this summer, just so he can ask her on a date. To us, it sounds more like Harry would like to be secretly wooing Katy Perry, but hasn't had a chance yet. A source outlines what the Prince of Wales sees in the freshly-divorced "Teenage Dream" singer. "First," says the source, "he thinks she is a rocking artist with great songs. But secondly she is single and very sexy." Those are actually two pretty good reasons, but don't they travel in enough of the same circles where Harry can approach without having to go through the elaborate Diamond Jubilee-invite business? [The Daily Star]

This is rich and unfortunate: Mike Fleiss, the creator of the moderately sleazy ABC reality show The Bachelor, is divorcing his high school sweetheart after 24 years. Their $7.5 million Brentwood home is on the market, and it seems like a good bet the divorce proceedings with focus on Fleiss' production company Next Entertainment, which produces The Bachelor and spinoffs The Bachelorette and The Bachelor Pad. In 2009, the company was estimated to worth $100 million. [Page Six]

New Yorker senior editor Nicholas Thompson is leaving the magazine and going all the way down the hall to take over as editor of Thompson, who came to The New Yorker from Wired, said the magazine is making a point of "big investments" to bolster its online presence. [Capital]

Another Bachelor-centric item, courtesy of Denver Broncos quarterback, who says he will not be the show's next rose-dispensing lonely guy, contrary to what host Chris Harrison and the Twitterverse would like to believe. Also on Tebow front: a source tells Us that that non-date he had with Taylor Swift the other day probably isn't going to lead to anything. "She has a crush on him," says the source, "[but] I don't think he sees her that way." [Us Weekly]

Former Illinois Senator Roland Burris -- the Roland Burris -- was in the Capitol yesterday , just sort of hanging out. One spy saw him "disembarking from the subway from the Russell Senate Office Building and heading toward the Capitol." Upon arriving, another source saw "Burris on the Senate Floor telling his former colleagues that he misses them." Most adorable thing a former Senator has done this week, hands down. [Heard on the Hill]

Apparently, there's a Hulk Hogan sex tape being shopped around. So if you happen to be in the market for one, this could be your big opportunity. But beware: at least "one major porn studio" has already been offered the tape, so there could be competition. [TMZ]