Prometheus 2 Begins Filming This February

‘Prometheus 2’ will be heading into production sooner than we though, as director Ridley Scott reveals it’s going to start filming this February.

During an interview with Deadline, director Ridley Scott revealed that he’s already preparing for ‘Prometheus 2’ which will begin filming early next year.

“Fassbender will do this one with me, and it’s meant to start production in February,” he revealed. “I’m in prep, now. I’ll either shoot in Aussie, or here.”

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‘Prometheus’ saw Ridley Scott return to the universe he created in the highly-successful ‘Alien’ franchise. But while he insists that it’s not a prequel, the film follows an expedition by the Weyland Corporation to find the alien race which created life on Earth.

Starring Noomi Rapace as the almost-Ripley-esque Elizabeth Shaw and Michael Fassbender as the ship’s android David, ‘Prometheus’ ended on a bit of a cliffhanger…

But where will ‘Prometheus 2’ take us?

“You can either say, leave the first film alone and jump ahead, but you can’t because it ends on too specific a plot sentence as she says, I want to go where they came from, I don’t want to go back to where I came from,” he explained. “I thought the subtext of that film was a bit florid and grandiose, but it asks a good question: who created us?”

Of course, the end of ‘Prometheus’ certainly lends itself to a sequel, with Elizabeth Shaw deciding to bring the fight to the Engineers and head off in search of their home world – presumably to find some answers.

And it sounds as though it’s going to tackle the big question – why are we here?

“I don’t think we are here by accident,” said Scott. “I find it otherwise hard to believe you and I are sitting here at this table, because the molecular miracles that would have had to occur were in the trillions, since the first sign of human life that crawled out of the mud with four fingers, would bloody well be impossible, unless there was some guidance system. Also, you have the sun approximately the same distance from earth as it is from maybe millions of planets and planetoids that are almost identical distance and therefore enjoy the value of sunlight on their soil. Are you telling me there are no other planets with human life? I simply don’t believe it.”

Of course, the idea is to find out more about those who created humanity… and considering that the main criticisms of ‘Prometheus’ were its open-questions and lack of any real answers it’s perhaps a good idea to revisit this and give fans a more concrete ending.

“You’ve got to go back and find those engineers and see what they are thinking,” he explained. “If engineers are the forerunners of us, and therefore were creators of life forms in places that were possible for biology to function, who created that? Where’s the big boy? You think this was all an accident? I don’t know. Even Stephen Hawking now says, I am not sure. He no longer believes in the big bang.”

Will ‘Prometheus 2’ provide all the answers to life’s big questions?

For now, we’ll have to wait and see… but let’s hope it ties up a few loose ends, at least.

‘Prometheus 2’ heads to cinemas on 30 May 2017.

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Picture Credit: 20th Century Fox