Pulsk Wants to Spread More ‘Wow’ in Indonesia

Recently in Indonesia, the phrase “ Do I need to say ‘wow’ or something? ” has become a trend in Indonesia whenever friends relate some fact or stories. Well, the recent Sparxup winner Pulsk is looking to literally create more of those ‘wows’ with its Pinterest-like social platform. The site offers you numerous user-generated pictures categorized into different channels such as ‘technology and gadgets,’ ‘recipes & culinary,’ and ‘my Indonesia.’ We talked to Irwan Fahmy, who does business development for Pulsk, about its plans and why the name ‘Pulsk’ was chosen in the first place.

The team likes to describe Pulsk as a very easy and simple social content platform for what it calls ‘wow’ (similar to Facebook’s ‘like’) content. The name Pulsk emerged simply because they wanted a readable five-letter domain name that makes sense from a marketing perspective. The startup created Pulsk to facilitate Indonesians’ thirst to share new things to as many people as possible, and to entertain them at the same time.

In space of only two weeks since its beta launch in mid September, Pulsk has put up the following numbers:

  • 110,000 visitors with 850,000 pageviews

  • There are 2,200 registered users with 2,250 items posted

  • Each visitor averages 7.91 pages per visit in the space of eight minutes

  • 10,000 wows

The four-man team of Rendy Bryanzah, Rizwan Raiz, Ardian Trimurti, and Irwan Fahmy plan to open an advertising platform as its monetization strategy. They’re also open to creating special badges and channels if sponsored by a brand. The team is learning the ropes regarding possible funding plans for Pulsk, and promises to launch new features and mobile apps in the future.