Pushing Jobs Bill, Obama Yells at Richmond Students

Pushing Jobs Bill, Obama Yells at Richmond Students

President Barack Obama hit the road on Friday to drum up support for the American Jobs act, which he announced in a speech to a joint session of Congress on Thursday, and he really put his back into it. "Obama is yelling again," tweeted David Corn, Mother Jones's Washington editor, shortly after the speech began. Toward the end, his volume grew even louder -- Politico's live blog described his crescendo of "Let's get something done" as a roar, before the "forceful" words, "let's get to work." The president is flogging a $447 billion plan that aims to create jobs. He faced a largely supportive crowd in Richmond, but reaction to the plan itself has been mixed. As Obama urged students to put pressure on Congress to pass the plan he told them, "I want you to call, I want you to e-mail, I want you to Tweet." But he should perhaps be careful of his own email blasts. The Washington Post's Dave Nakamura points out in a blog post on Friday that the White House press office sent out 39 messages in about an hour on Thursday, declaring various supporters who had signed onto the jobs act. It was a bit much for Nakamura who dubbed Obama in his headline: "Spammer in chief."