The Republican National Convention, Ryanomics, and K-pop

The Republican National Convention, Ryanomics, and K-pop

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: The Republican National Convention will highlight Mitt Romney's business experience and his faith in an attempt to "paint a full and revealing portrait of who Mitt Romney is."

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World: Chinese are protesting against the Japanese in a conflict over a "disputed island."

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U.S.: The Esalen Institute — which "helped bring once-alien concepts and practices, including personal growth, yoga and organic food, to the American mainstream" — is coming up on its 50th anniversary as some question its continued "relevance."

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New York: The colors of the B and C lines at Columbus Circle were inverted on a downtown platform sign Sunday causing confusion.

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Media & Advertising: David Carr on Jonah Lehrer and Fareed Zakaria. 

Technology: The Apple-Samsung patent case might have lingering effects on the tech world: "If Apple prevails, experts believe Samsung and other rivals in the market will have a much stronger incentive to distinguish their smartphone and tablet products with unique features and designs to avoid further legal tangles." 

Sports: Billy Hamilton of the Pensacola Blue Wahoos is nearing the record for steals in a minor league season. 

Opinion: Paul Krugman writes that "Ryanomics is and always has been a con game, although to be fair, it has become even more of a con since Mr. Ryan joined the ticket."

Television: Since most people stay inside and watch with their families, Ramadan in Saudi Arabia sees a proliferation of new TV which includes "a broader and spicier array of shows than outsiders might imagine."

Music: K-pop fans headed to the Prudential Center Friday night for the American debut of girl group 2NE1.