Republicans Rip into Iran Nuke Deal on Twitter

There's been no dearth of noise on Twitter about the announcement yesterday that the U.S. and other world powers have reached the "framework" of an agreement to limit Iran's nuclear program. After the broad outlines of the deal were announced — with final details still be hammered out — President Obama referred to it as "an historic understanding." The GOP leadership and most 2016 presidential hopefuls, however, lambasted the deal on Twitter.

Related: Iran, U.S. and World Powers Reach Deal on Nuclear Talks

Noticeably absent from the debate in that forum, at least to date, were such high-profile Democrats as Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Whether the deal works or not remains to be seen, but Republicans have staked out an emphatic position on the issue. Here is some of the strong reaction so far.

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