Retro groove might be hippest 'Game of Thrones' theme cover yet

Retro groove might be hippest 'Game of Thrones' theme cover yet

Sure, there have been a lot of covers of the "Game of Thrones" theme song. We've seen it get the electronica treatment, heard it get played on an '80s game console and on wine glasses, and even listened to a version in which the epic-sounding track gets rendered Super Mario style. But none of those versions are quite as hip as the one just released by Berlin-based YouTuber Milan Vuckovic.

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In a nod to Saul Bass, a legendary film title sequence designer who created the opening credits for such movies as "North by Northwest" and "The Seven Year Itch," Vuckovic used a late-'50s/early-'60s style of illustration to take us through the lands of Westeros, with a swinging "smooth jazz" version of the song playing in the background. The tune is performed by the band Postmodern Jukebox with Dave Koz on sax (his version of the theme was released on YouTube in April).

The overall effect is entrancing, yet a bit disorienting. When it's over, you sort of expect Alfred Hitchcock to introduce a Season 5 premiere episode in which Sean Connery as James Bond charms his way into the khaleesi's bedchamber.

Check out the full video at the top of this page, and if you dig the soundtrack, visit Postmodern Jukebox's website, where you can hear more of the band's "alternative twist on pop music." I especially like their "1950's Sock Hop" version of Pitbull and Ke$ha's "Timber."