River footbridges closed due to locks issues

Two river footbridges have been temporarily closed because of "structural issues".

A Conservators of the River Cam survey raised issues about the structural soundness of Jesus Green Lock in Cambridge and Baits Bite Lock in Milton.

Cambridgeshire County Council, which is responsible for footpaths has therefore decided to close the footbridges, but said they would reopen "as soon as we are satisfied with their safety”.

The council acknowledged the closure would be "disappointing" for residents, especially with the Cambridge Beer Festival this week.

The conservators body is the statutory navigation authority for the river between Cambridge's city centre Mill Pond and Bottisham.

Assessments to understand the impact of the lock islands’ condition on the bridge structures are being carried out.

The chairman of the county council’s highways and transport committee Alex Beckett said they had a "duty of safety" and would "reopen the bridges as soon as we are satisfied with their safety”.

"We understand that this will come as disappointing news to the local communities including the River Cam community and those regularly using the footbridges, particularly with the beer festival this week," he added.

The closures will not affect access to the River Cam towpaths or access to Fen Road, Milton.

Diversion signage will be put in place as soon as possible on both sides of the river in both Cambridge and Milton to advise people of alternative routes.

The nearest river crossings for pedestrians in Cambridge are Magdalene Bridge and Victoria Road Bridge.

Clayhithe Road Bridge or the Abbey-Chesterton Footbridge are the nearest River pedestrian crossing points for Baits Bite Lock.

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