Romantic Genius Proposes to Girlfriend by Building Her an Emotional Video Game

You will never top the tech-savvy romanticism of this guy, who built his girlfriend a video game proposal.

Love is dead. Love is real. Love is complicated. What, exactly, is love? You've surely heard all of those, or some variation, each and every day in your short and love-deprived existence. With former titans of love-based unions quickly evacuating the premises of coupledom in 2015, where does a hopeless romantic turn for inspiration? The answer, as enlightened readers might have guessed, is video games.

When Reddit user lapike informed the world that he had proposed to his girlfriend by building her a video game, the responses ranged from troll-level mockery to genuine tears (me, namely). "I built a video game for Lauren with levels based on some of the best memories from when we were dating," reads the accompanying YouTube clip's description. Lauren, as one might have guessed, absolutely said yes.

The couple, perhaps better known to you as "the two people who finally inspired me to take my relationships seriously by building a video game," also collaborate on various short stories and other creative endeavors via the comforts of their Tumblr. So, sure: you bought your significant other lunch at Taco Bell, but did you build them a fucking video game?

Step it up.

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