Romney to Hannity: I ‘Misspoke’ About Not Being Concerned About the Very Poor, I‘m ’Worried About All Americans’

Mitt Romney got his chance to clarify comments he made during an interview with CNN's Soledad O'Brien in which he said he was "not concerned about the very poor." In an interview Thursday with Fox News host Sean Hannity, the former Massachusetts governor expressed regret for his comments, saying, "I misspoke." "I wish I wouldn't have said it that way. I made the same thought part of my speeches over the last year or two, which is that I'm really concerned about middle-income Americans. I want to help middle-income Americans. I want to get people out of poverty, into the middle-income category." Romney clarified that he is "concerned and worried about all Americans." Romney added. “And I want to make sure our safety net is appropriately able to care for our poor. I’m concerned about all citizens, but now and then you misspeak. You have to acknowledge it — it was something I did not intend to say in the way it was said but I recognize that’s part of the political process.” Watch the Fox interview below courtesy of Mediaite: