Ron Paul on Bachmann: ‘She hates Muslims. She hates them. She wants to go get them’

In an appearance that lasted three segments on NBC’s “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” on Friday, Republican presidential candidate Texas Rep. Ron Paul gave a wide-ranging interview about his vision and how we would handle certain issues.

However, at the end of his interview, the Texas congressman gave his thoughts on some of his competitors, with some less-than-flattering words for his Republican colleague Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann.

Leno named off several of the candidates and Paul gave his opinion of each.

  • Mitt Romney: “He used to be governor of Massachusetts … maybe that’s what he should stay at �“ being governor. He’s a nice guy.

  • Newt Gingrich: “He should run for speaker of the House again.”

  • Michele Bachmann: “She doesn’t like Muslims. She hates Muslims. She hates them. She wants to go get them.”

  • Jon Huntsman: “He’s a nice person, and he’s a good diplomat. He knows what diplomacy is all about. And he’s a thoughtful person.”

  • Rick Santorum: “Gay people and Muslims.”


Paul also told viewers he wasn’t impressed with real estate mogul Donald Trump and admitted he hadn’t ruled out a third-party run.

“I haven’t ruled it out absolutely,” he said. “But I have no plans and no intention because you know when I’m soaring in the polls and we’re up to first and second place, that’s way premature.

Paul also said his favorite president was Grover Cleveland.

“He was a great president,” Paul said. “He was a Democrat. He loved to veto bills. That was him. He was a great vetoer and believed in the gold standard.”

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