Ronald Regan? Or Reagan? Romney campaign misspells former president's name

WASHINGTON - Ronald Regan, the former president of Amercia?

Mitt Romney's campaign has made yet another embarrassing misspelling, this time flubbing the name of one of the country's most adored conservative icons in a slideshow made by his pollster for fundraisers.

The slide, which displays the approval ratings for various presidents six months before their presidential elections, lists the commanders-in-chief from Dwight D. Eisenhower to Barack Obama. It spells Ronald Reagan, however, "Ronald Regan."


The latest misspelling, revealed by the BuzzFeed website, comes a week after the campaign's most notorious one — an iPhone application that promised "A Better Amercia." It was soon fixed after eagle-eyed iPhone users took to Twitter to mock it. The gaffe also became fodder for late-night talk show hosts.

"Some poor app designer is getting strapped in a cage on the top of a car and driven across country tonight. #amercia," tweeted one wag, a reference to the infamous story about Romney's late dog, Seamus.

Romney transported the Irish setter to the family cottage in Grand Bend, Ont., by strapping the dog's crate to the roof of the car for the 12-hour road trip in 1983. Seamus suffered intestinal distress on the trip, and the tale has, er, hounded the Romney campaign.

There have also been a pair of prominent misspellings on the candidate's Facebook page, including one that highlighted "2012 Offical Gear." The error was fixed.

Another offered Romney supporters to watch a "sneak peak" of the campaign's new TV ad. It was removed.