How To Run Your Business From An iPad

How To Run Your Business From An iPad image shutterstock 203164552
How To Run Your Business From An iPad image shutterstock 203164552

People who own SMBs are often drawn to owning their own business because of the flexibility that being a business owner allows. So it’s no surprise that any business owner would flock to something that would give them better functionality and flexibility with how they work.

Thanks to the internet and mobile technology, it’s totally possible to run a business right from your iPad or other mobile device.

Tablets are a remarkable, super-convenient piece of technology that helps business owners everywhere. They allow incredible flexibility and function just like a computer would, but on the go (and in a much smaller package). Interested in running your SMB from an iPad? You can. It’s easier than you think.

Below are 7 apps that can help you get started:

LogMeIn is a great tool for when you need to use your computer, but you’re away from your desk/home. You can use this handy app to access your computer literally from anywhere. Using it in conjunction with apps like DropBox will make it even more handy, allowing you to access all of your files, notes, and more.

Vend allows you to use your tablet as a POS for any transaction, no matter where you are. You can accept any type of payment (credit cards, debit cards, Paypal), and even allows you to set up loyalty programs. It also saves analytics about your business finances, and is compatible with major accounting software systems like Quickbooks.

Freshbooks is an invoicing service app. It generates invoices, tracks payments, does payroll/accounting, accepts payments, and more. It is compatible with Paypal, too.

Glassboard can help you hold meetings with clients, employees or anyone from any location. It helps you organize, schedule and plan meetings, and works in conjunction with apps like Skype so you can make calls and hold real-time meetings whenever you need to.

If you do a lot of presentations, Keynote may prove indispensable to you. It helps you to create fantastic, detailed presentations and run them right from your device. You won’t even have to bring your laptop along for the meeting.

You don’t have to be a business owner to become overrun with trying to remember all the passwords you need on a given day. When you do run a business, you have to get into all kinds of different sites, software, apps and more, and it can be tricky trying to remember all of your passwords. 1Password helps you remember them all, while keeping your information secure.

HootSuite is an app that can help you take charge of all of your social media and promotion while on the go. It tracks many social media accounts, such as twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and more. You can post (as well as schedule posts), reply to messages, check your stream, search for keywords, and more.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: How To Run Your Business From An iPad

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