Rupert Murdoch's Surprisingly Cheery Holiday Note

Rupert Murdoch's Surprisingly Cheery Holiday Note

The holidays are great because they bring family and friends together for the opportunity to reflect back on the year and look forward to a new one. Even Rupert Murdoch can help but crack a smile across his craggy face. Or at least it would seem that way based on the number of exclamation points in opening line of the note he sent out in a seasons greetings note: "Wow! What a year of events, good and bad!" Based up on the filename, we're guessing that the screenshot of the holiday email -- if its real -- went out to a large group of News Corp. employees. (The "Dear Colleagues:" greeting really gives it away.) The KRM in the file name likely stands for Keith Rupert Murdoch, which is how employees refer to their boss when he's not around. To vouch for its authenticity, the screenshot found its way to The Atlantic Wire through Sarah Ellison, author of War at the Wall Street Journal and certainly someone who might be on Murdoch's list. She asked in a tweet, "Any suggestions for an alternate first line?" Let us know in the comments.

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