Russian Company Makes Dog Armour Following Death Of Police Dog Diesel in Paris

A Russian company has produced canine body armour after French police dog Diesel was killed in a raid that followed the 13 November terror attacks in Paris.

In a video, a Russian dog handler is shown fitting a dog with the armour, which comes in two pieces to protect the neck and chest.

A dog handler is shown fitting the dog armour (Ruptly)

The armour can be fitted in just one minute and offers protection from bullets and other potentially deadly threats.

While the police hounds were initially reluctant to wear the ‘Nord body armour’, they were trained up with incentives and according to the handler in the video, realised that it was for their own protection.

Police dog Diesel was killed in action in a raid on suspected terrorists

Created by Russian company Scientific Production Association of Special Materials, the new armour also offers additional pieces that protect the dog’s head and legs.


A puppy named Dobrynia was donated to France by Russia (AFP)

Prior to the unveiling of the new canine armour, Russia donated a puppy to France as gesture of solidarity and to help ‘in the fight against terrorism’.

Named Dobrynia, the pup will be trained up to be a police dog similar to Diesel.

Image credit: Ruptly TV