Samsung Galaxy Nexus pulled from Google store following ban; software patch coming

Samsung is building an army to take on Android

Samsung is celebrating Independence Day this year by working vigorously with Google to issue a software patch that will allow sales of its Galaxy Nexus smartphone to continue. Apple on Saturday won a preliminary injunction on Galaxy Nexus sales in the United States, and Samsung filed a motion to stay the ban on Monday. U.S. District Court Judge Lucy Koh denied Samsung’s appeal on Tuesday evening, and sales of the Galaxy Nexus are now disallowed in the U.S.

As of early Wednesday morning, Google had the device pulled from its virtual shelves. Customers who already placed orders should note that they are apparently still shipping.

Samsung is preparing a new case to challenge the validity of the patent with Google’s support, but according to All Things D, Google and Samsung likely won’t have to wait that long to begin selling the popular smartphone again. The pair are already working on a software patch that will circumvent the technology covered in Apple’s universal search patent, theoretically allowing the Android phone to return to store shelves in the U.S.

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