Samsung Galaxy S3 Premium Suite brings multi-window and Facebook on the lock screen

Samsung Galaxy S3 Premium Suite brings multi-window and Facebook on the lock screen. Phones, Samsung Galaxy S III, Samsung, Jelly Bean 0

The Samsung Galaxy S3 is already good enough to be crowned Pocket-lint's Phone of the Year 2012, but that hasn't stopped Samsung announcing more new features to make it even better.

Users who have upgraded to Jelly Bean on the phone should shortly be getting the Samsung Premium Suite with a bevy of enhancements.

Top of the list and probably most appealing to most people, is multi-window support that will let you run two apps on screen at the same time.

Seen in the Samsung Galaxy Note 2, the new feature will come in handy if you want to check an email and surf the internet or watch a YouTube clip at the same time. Thankfully the large screen should mean it's worth doing rather than meaning you've got to grab your glasses.

But it's not just about two screens, there are other new features too, such as contextual tagging in photos that will let you automatically tag a picture with the weather, date, and location, as well as changing the menus to list the apps that you most use first rather than insisting on everything being alphabetical.

There is also Page Buddy, a new feature that will predict what you intend to do according to your actions. For example, when you plug in your earphones, the device automatically opens up a page with the music player.

Elsewhere in the update you'll also get Auto Share Shot Pairing using NFC, Reader Mode that lets you control the size of the text on your browser, and Facebook Lock Ticker that means you'll now be able to see your Facebook News Feeds on your lock screen.

UPDATE 10/12/2012: Samsung has now uploaded Part 2. The video details that users will also be getting a number of further features including a low light shooting mode and Easy Mode for first time smartphone users.

(1) Paper Artist: You can make a picture like a pop artist! Change the moods of your pictures whenever you want!

(2) Camera, Low Light Shot: It's always tough to take pictures in dark places. So the GALAXY S III with Premium Suite has a Low-Light-Shot function. Get your hands on one and check out the difference!

(3) Camera, Best Face: The problem with group pictures? Somebody always, ALWAYS blinks. Well, Best Face is your solution to that. Best Face takes 5 consecutive pictures and lets you choose the best face for each person among those shots.

(4) Easy Mode: For first-time smartphone users and/or those who are really really, well, lazy. This function helps you set up the most five frequently used widgets on the home screen, so you don't have to be tired of looking everywhere to find those apps.

(5) Sound Balance: You can adjust the balance of volume one each side of earphones.

(6) Setup Wizard: After turning on your cell phone, you can see the accessibility menu right away on the screen.

(7) Camera Easy Snap: With 'talk back' and 'face detection' on your settings menu, the GALAXY S III tells you how many faces it can detect on the camera preview.

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