Santorum: 'I'd Like Everybody to Get Out'

Rick Santorum needs about 60 percent of the remaining delegates to claim the Republican nomination. It would be an easier task, he admits, if former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich would drop out, but Santorum would not call explicitly for him to do so.

“The Speaker can stay as long as he wants,” Santorum said on NBC’s Meet the Press this morning. Instead, a Super PAC supporting Santorum has run ads calling for Gingrich to drop out of the race.

Santorum said the idea that Mitt Romney has outspent him “10-to-one” and only barely won Michigan and Ohio by “the skin of his teeth” is indicative of Santorum’s appeal.

“We’re in a great position now as we go forward,” he said.

Of course, there would be an easy way for Santorum to really make up ground: “I’d like everybody to get out,” he said.

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