Sean Spicer Statements Pit President Trump Adviser Against NBC’s Chuck Todd In Shouting Match

President Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer
President Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer

We won’t have had a full business weekday of President Trump’s new administration until Monday evening, but already we’ve seen the enormity of the worldwide Women’s March the day after Friday’s inauguration, and Saturday evening a visibly perturbed White House press secretary Sean Spicer took the first official press briefing under Donald Trump as an opportunity to lash out at the journalists present over what he characterized as mistreatment by the media regarding Inaugural crowd sizes on the Mall at Washington, DC as compared to previous years.

The backlash was that when CNN fact-checked six of Spicer’s major talking points, they claimed only one could be verified as true. CNN also reported that three of Spicer’s other claims were false, one inconclusive and one misleading, and in a Sunday morning interview with NBC‘s Chuck Todd of Meet The Press, Senior Adviser Kellyanne Conway appeared at times to be in a shouting match with the journalist when he questioned her about the White House motives behind what he interpreted as unnecessarily alleging falsehoods over a trivial issue like crowd size.

NBC's Chuck Todd Meet The Press
NBC’s Chuck Todd, host of Meet The Press [Image By Charles Dharapak/AP Images]

Dispute Over The Truth

Two of press secretary Spicer’s major claims about President Trump’s inaugural crowd size were that this year’s event marked the first time a protective grass covering had been used on the Mall, which accentuated areas where people were sparsely congested and that this was also the first time fenced areas and magnetometers had been used at so large a perimeter, preventing hundreds of thousands of people from accessing the mall.

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Sean Spicer Statements Pit President Trump Adviser Against NBC’s Chuck Todd In Shouting Match is an article from: The Inquisitr News