Here’s the secret trick to make Comcast give you good customer service

Just when you thought Comcast couldn’t get any worse…

By now, we all know about Comcast’s customer service — it really is terrible and it’s a direct reflection of the fact that Comcast is much more interested in upselling you on pricier products than on actually fixing your problems. However, The Verge’s Adrianne Jeffries has just written a killer new report that reveals that there’s a secret way to get Comcast to give you the customer service you deserve.

Apparently, Comcast has developed a series of special “We’re On It” cards for customers who have had “a negative or unpleasant experience that is unresolved.” Comcast employees are allowed to each year give customers 12 of these cards, which have unique ID numbers and which let their owners bypass the standard Comcast customer service hotline and go straight to a dedicated team of seemingly more competent professionals whose goal is to resolve the customers’ issues in under 24 hours.

“This is a tool you can use to quickly and easily help when a customer approaches you outside of work to resolve a repair or billing issue,” Comcast explains in a document uncovered by The Verge. “The cards are designed to help you avoid difficult and time consuming situations and provide you with a convenient and time saving resource that assists both you and the customer.”

Comcast says that the “We’re On It” agents don’t have any special privileges that aren’t enjoyed by regular customer service agents, although this still doesn’t explain why Comcast has set aside a team of roughly 250 members to act as “special” customer service reps.

The Verge’s full report is worth reading and can be found by clicking the source link below.

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