'Seven Psychocats' and the 50 Best Bond Moments in 007 Minutes

We realize there's only so much time one can spend in a day watching new trailers, viral video clips, and shaky cell phone footage of people arguing on live television. This is why every day The Atlantic Wire highlights the videos that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention. Today:

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Sometimes we make exceptions to our five-minute rule. This is one of those times, as IGN presents the 50 Best Bond moments in 007 minutes. 005 just wouldn't feel right, we think.

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And because you were so patient with the Bond video, or perhaps skipped it entirely, here's one that requires barely any semblance of an attention span: 

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Oh, and shame your dog. All of you. We command it, more dog-shaming the better: 

And finally, we think we might have severely underestimated the fandom surrounding Seven Psychopaths. That said, who knew that the only thing scarier and perhaps creepier than Christopher Walken is his feline counterpart?