“Sexist” Article, Claiming Less Housework Is Making Women Fat, Causes Outrage

[Photo: Rex]

A national newspaper’s website is in hot water after penning an article claiming that not doing enough housework is making women “fat”.

The Mail Online article, analysing the results of a study saying that a lack of chores is fuelling the obesity crisis has got people pretty angry – and it’s easy to see why.

The article implies that women are putting on weight because “labour-saving” devices such as microwaves and dishwashers are keeping them less active.

The article uses the example that mopping the floors burns off approximately 200 calories an hour, while sitting in front of a computer uses only around 70.

The study’s results show that British women are devoting far less time to cleaning than they did 30 years ago, which we reckon is a very positive thing.

More British females than ever before are out building a career for themselves and putting their needs first – instead of a man’s. Men are actually now doing more around the house than they ever have in the past.

[Photo: Rex]

Feminist blogger Louise Pennington has branded the article “stupid”.

“This type of misogynistic bilge is as stupid as it is offensive,” she told Huffington Post. “By this logic, men are larger today because they don’t get to spend their time telling women what to do.

"Body-shaming is incredibly harmful. It fails to recognise the structures which prevent healthy eating - like poverty. It ignores the fact comfort-eating is a normal human response to trauma. It ignores the fact that women’s bodies are naturally very different.

"All of these complaints about women’s bodies are nothing more than patriarchy in action.”

And Louise isn’t the only one to voice her dislike on the survey. Twitter has bene bursting with comments on the article, with many branding it “sexist”.

“I just read sexist misogynistic article says lack of housework is making women fat how is it okay to write such a stupid article,” tweeted one Twitter user.

Another person wrote, “Of all the awful pieces I’ve ever read in the DM, this takes the biscuit.”

Did you find the story sexist? Tweet us at @YahooStyleUK.

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