Six ways Android still beats the iPhone and iPad

The Android platform continues to enjoy significant advantages over that offered by Apple, and this is why it remains the platform of choice for business, BYOD, and power users.


There's no doubt that the iPhone and iPad are the devices that captures the most attention – and column inches – in the tech world, but don't let that feel you into thinking that they are ahead of the game. There are plenty of examples where the Android platform trumps Apple's iOS, especially in situations where the smartphone is used for BYOD or as a work device.

Here are a few ways Android trumps the iPhone.

(Image: Google)


Without a doubt one of the number one reason to go with Android is the choice available both in terms of the hardware, but also user interface. As opposed to having to choose between two handsets that are virtually identical, the Android world gives you a whole raft of choices.

No matter what your performance, storage, battery life, or price needs, there's an Android device for you.

I'm continually amazed as to how fast the Android market moves. We have to wait a year between iPhone releases, but the Android landscape changes every few months.

(Image: Samsung)

Storage expansion

This one could be classed under choice, but it's so important that I gave it a separate entry.

The iPhone comes in 16GB, 64GB and 128GB storage options, and you pay through the nose for those storage bumps – many times more than what the storage chips actually cost.

Compare this to Android, where many handsets offers the user a way to expand storage using microSD cards. This is a cheap and easy way to give your device a storage boost when you want it, allowing you to carry more data or install more apps without upgrading the entire handset.

(Image: Lexar)

Better integration into the Google ecosystem

While the iPhone is a very popular choice for BYOD users, it's integration with the Google ecosystem – used extensively by businesses – leaves a lot to be desired.

While Google has made huge strides to tear down the walls between platforms, it's clear that the company can do more with the Android platform than it can with iOS. Support for Google Apps – especially Gmail and Hangouts – is much smoother on Android than it is on OS, and so if you have to use these regularly for work then Android might be a better choice.

(Image: Google)

Information density

Apple is slow to understand that people like to personalize their user interfaces with more than just wallpapers. After seven years the iPhone home screen is still just a grid of icons while Android allows users to get access to a whole raft of information and data.

While some people will enjoy the sparseness and simplicity of iOS, information junkies like to have at-a-glance access to as much information as possible. I've seen Android displays that are simply packed with incredible volumes of data. 

(Image: TeslaCoil Software)

Better interconnectivity between apps and access to data

Apps on iOS feel like standalone islands into which you jump to do work and then jump out of when you're done, before jumping into another app to do something else.

However, the problem comes when you want to share data from one app with another. While things have certainly gotten better with iCloud Drive and iOS 8, Android leads the way in being able to flexibly access your data. You can even browse all your data using a file manager app if you so wish. This allows you to work with – not to mention move about and even back up – your data the way you want to.

(Image: ES APP Group)

Cheap, non-proprietary cables and chargers

Apple devices can be fickle when it comes to chargers and cables, and cables can set you back a king's ransom (a 'cheap' cable can set you back $10).

With Android you don't have any of this nonsense. All you need is a cheap micro USB cable (I have a box full of them) and a cheapy charger and you're ready to go.

This might seem like a small point, but for people who are out and about or who do a lot of traveling, this can represent a massive saving, especially if you're the sort of person who leaves cables and chargers in your wake!

(Image: Amazon)