Skip the Soda, Save Your Life

Here’s a brief list of health ills we’d rather avoid in life: asthma, reproductive issues, osteoporosis, heart disease, kidney stones. Unless there’s some subculture of bone-disease fetishists out there that we’re unaware of, it seems safe to assume that you feel the same way. 

So here’s the good news: Per a new infographic from Term Life Insurance, you can cut down your chances of contracting these diseases—and save your tooth enamel—by cutting back on soda (a case could be made for adding depression to the list too). Citing medical research from the Centers for Disease Control, the American Heart Association and The New York Times, this graphic makes a pretty compelling case for cutting back on the soft drinks—thankfully, news of declining revenues and lower high-fructose corn syrup production suggest that we may already be collectively taking that step toward a healthier future.

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Via: Term Life Insurance

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Willy Blackmore is the food editor at TakePart. He has also written about food, art, and agriculture for such publications as TastingTable, Los Angeles Magazine, The Awl, GOODLA Weekly, The New Inquiry, and BlackBook. Email Willy |