Sorterox for Mac review

Sorterox is a useful tool for keeping your files organized and properly sorted with a minimum of work on your part. All you have to do is take a few minutes to configure the app, and then sit back and let it work for you.


Creating rules: This program comes preloaded with some basic rules for file sorting, and you can add your own as you see fit. You can also activate and inactivate different rules at different times just by checking or unchecking them depending on your current needs.

Auto-sort: The Auto-sort feature allows you to create one folder where you save all of your files, and they will then be automatically sorted into appropriate folders by the app itself. You can set up Auto-sort to monitor the main folder at whatever increment of time makes the most sense for you, be it minutes, hours, days, or weeks, and you can even set up two of these to run in the background at once.


No Help: There is no Help feature associated with this program. While the interface presents most features in a pretty straightforward manner, it would still be nice to have something to refer back to if you do run into trouble.

Bottom Line

Sorterox for Mac provides a valuable and convenient service, and while you do have to invest a little time in setting up the program up front, it will return that to you many times over in the long run.

Editors' note: This is a review of the trial version of Sorterox for Mac 1.0.1.

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