Speccy review

Speccy displays your PC's specifications: everything from software and hardware versions to peripherals, storage, graphics, and network data. Its compact program size and layout make it a versatile tool for upgrades, troubleshooting, and maintenance. Speccy is a great place to start when you need to know something about your computer.


Specs and stats: Speccy displays your system's specifications and other available data under expandable category headings like Motherboard, CPU, RAM, Optical Drives, and Audio.

Temperature and voltage: Speccy can display real-time temperatures and voltages from sensors in most motherboards. Tiny graphs expand to full size when clicked.

Save and export data: You can take, load, and publish Snapshots of Speccy's reports or save data as Text or XML files that technical support can use to diagnose computer problems.


No alarms: While Speccy displays temperature and voltage data, it lacks alerts or notifications to excessive temperatures and voltage fluctuations. Similar tools offer such features, though in fairness that's a job that's probably best done by proper monitoring software, especially if heat and power issues are of concern.

Bottom Line

Speccy is a versatile tool that doesn't take up much space on the disk or desktop yet earns its keep every time you need to find out something about your PC. It's a reliable "daily driver" that strikes a good balance between the basic information available from Windows and similar specification tools that return an overwhelming amount of data.

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