State Senator Who Told Gov 'F*ck You' Says She Was Tear Gassed in Ferguson

State Senator Who Told Gov 'F*ck You' Says She Was Tear Gassed in Ferguson

Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal had some choice words for Governor Jay Nixon last week:

She also retweeted this:

Chappelle-Nadal has been on the ground in Ferguson since tensions began, protesting alongside locals. She explained to Fox News today that her comments came after she was tear gassed repeatedly:

Well let me tell you, I represent my constituents, not Governor Nixon. So I need to tell you this, he has been absent from the minority community his entire career and only comes before us when it is politically expedient for him or when he’s running for office. And because he has been outside of this community...he has still yet to come to ground zero...He has been in Florissant, he has been in Normandy. But he has not spoken to the people who are the victims of this crisis that we are dealing with now. And that is why I have called him a coward. The reason why I used profane language is because he allowed us to get tear gassed for three days. I am one of the senators in his party and he was at the state fair enjoying a country concert while we were getting tear gassed and shot at.

She also believes Sunday night's protests could have involved a "set up" because the police department may be "trying to make the situation worse than it is."

Check out her complete comments here:

This article was originally published at

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