Strangest 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Brand Tie-Ins

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is everywhere. Beyond the flood of merchandising, there seems to be no limit to how brands will synergize with the property, slapping a lightsaber or Yoda head on every available product or advertisement. Here are some of our favorite strange new Force Awakens brand integrations.

Verizon teamed up Chewbacca and BB-8 to show that it is the only carrier in the galaxy that won’t cap your data—while you infiltrate a First Order base apparently? Something about the commercial suggests Verizon sees BB-8 as just an overgrown cellphone. Hmm…there might actually be a market for that. Someone get Motorola and Sphero to team up on that one.

Subway has kids’ meals with collectible little messenger bags, but what’s even more little are the stubby lightsabers included with them, with a blade barely longer than the hilt. Ironic coming from a chain known for its footlong sandwiches.

Even Nestle brand cereals are getting in on the act, featuring Star Wars pencil toppers. Pencil toppers? What is this, the 1970s?

These are just the tip of the comet, but probably best to let SuperFan Movies host Khail Anonymous walk you through them all in the video above. And please let us know if we missed any crazy brand tie-ins in the comments below.

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