Student Sends Mum A Cardboard Cutout Of Himself, Her Response Is Hilarious


Never try to outsmart your mum.

That was the lesson learned by student Dalton Ross, who thought he had the bright idea of sending his mother a cardboard cutout of himself when he went studying abroad.

He sent the cutout to her as a joke when he left Tennessee for London to study, thinking it would provide the perfect substitute.


However, his mother Susan Talley has taken the joke and ran with it for all its worth, putting the cutout in various hilarious situations.

While Mr Ross expected her to merely place the figure in a corner of the living room, she has brought it everywhere.


Mr Ross posted her images on his Imgur profile ienjoybread - the images show his cardboard likeness celebrating Valentine’s Day with a Barbie doll and even with his childhood doctor.

He wrote: “Jokingly sent my mom a cutout of myself while I’m studying abroad.

“She seems to be entertaining herself with it.”


(Pictures: Imgur/ienjoybread)