How to Survive on the Post-Starz Netflix

How to Survive on the Post-Starz Netflix

Don't get too, too sad about Netflix losing Starz Play after tomorrow. Stop crying. Stop. The Starz Play selection isn't even that great. Instead of getting all pissy about the films that will disappear as a result of Netflix failing to renew its contract with Starz, watch these other, better movies instead. Here, we've gone through the five top rated movies on Starz Play and found five better ones that will still be on Netflix come March. Doesn't that cheer you up? 

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Instead of watching Toy Story 3, watch Hook

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What we'll miss: Netflix fans love the most recent installment of Pixar's trilogy so much, they put it at the top of the Starz pack, with over 4 million of them giving it 4.3 stars. And, as one of the best movies of 2010, Toy Story 3 is indeed a hard one to replace. We get it: Fun for kids; fun for parents -- so much fun! But also, so many tears. Andy is going to college for goodness sake, how could we not cry. 

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How to fix: Hook doesn't get the bananas ratings that Toy Story 3 does, coming in with 3.5 stars. But, like Toy Story 3 this movie is fun for both kids and parents, especially if those parents happened to watch kids movies during the early '90s and, like so many of us, have major '90s nostalgia these days. Also, this film features a pretty incredible cast: Dustin Hoffman, Downton Abbey sass Maggie Smith, Robin Williams (in tights!), and a miniature version of Julia Roberts, to name a few. 

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Instead of watching Big, watch Philadelphia.

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What we'll miss: Tom Hanks being adorable. 

How to Fix: Cry. But really, watch how much the beloved actor has grown. He went from jumping on giant pianos to winning Oscars in 10 years. Plus, Netflix likes this tear-jerker more anyway, giving it .1 star higher.



Instead of watching In the Mood for Love, watch Y Tu Mama Tambien

What we'll miss: This is the list's artsy foreign pick. It's pretty, slow, and about humanity in the way that deep, foreign films are about humanity. 

How to fix: This other foreign artsy pick is kind of like that but with a lot more hot, hot sex, involving some of the most attractive people on this planet. 



Instead of watching Robin Hood: Men in Tights, watch The Producers.

What we'll miss: This easier to swallow later Brooks film didn't get the critical acclaim as his early work. But, we still understand why Netflix fans would put it up there: It has music and dancing and Jewish jokes and lewd humor and Richard Lewis -- all things we love about Mel Brooks -- even if it is a tiny bit chintzy feeling. 

How to fix: Gene Wilder. Men in Tights is missing that one beloved, zany ingredient that comes in the form of a frizzy blonde-haired weirdo. The Producers not only gives us Gene, but is so deeply Mel Brooks with its singing and dancing and Nazis and absurd delightfully offensive plot. 

Instead of watching That Thing you Do!, watch The Big Lebowski

What we'll miss: Tom Hanks? That's really the only explanation for why this movie falls in the top five of all of Starz Play. Don't get us wrong, it's a decent film. And, the titular song is pretty catchy. But not top five material. 

How to fix: Watch something that doesn't involve Tom Hanks, for once. Here's just one. It's funny! We promise. But, this kind of proves our point: There are so many better films that will stay on Netflix after tomorrow's over.