Survivor: Oregon gunman spared 'lucky one' to deliver police message


Survivor: Oregon gunman spared ‘lucky one’ to deliver police message

One student who survived the Oregon school shooting massacre on Thursday, was dubbed “the lucky one” by the 26-year-old gunman and given something to deliver to authorities, according to the mother of a student who witnessed the rampage. Bonnie Schaan, the mother of 16-year-old Cheyeanne Fitzgerald, said she was told by her daughter that the gunman gave someone an envelope and told him to go to a corner of the classroom. Relatives of other survivors also said Harper-Mercer gave something to a student in the class.

All the information that you’ll need. Give it to the police.

Christopher Sean Harper-Mercer told the student the information was inside his backpack.

Authorities have not disclosed whether they have an envelope or package from Harper-Mercer. However, a law enforcement official said a manifesto of several pages had been recovered. Others in the classroom that day weren’t as fortunate. Parents of students said the gunman shot one girl after saying she could save her life by begging. Even more were killed after being told to crawl across the floor. Police say shooter Christopher Sean Harper-Mercer later killed himself as officers arrived at the scene.

If they said they were Christian, he shot them in the head.

Janet Willis, grandmother of Anastasia Boylan, who was wounded in the attack.