Suspect In Texas DA Killings Is Not a White Supremacist

Suspect In Texas DA Killings Is Not a White Supremacist

The man who was previously considered a "person of interest" in the murders of two Texas district attorneys, has been upgraded to the chief suspect and is now in jail on other charges. Police arrested Eric Williams and charged him with making "terroristic threats" against the community. He is being held on $3 million bail. Although he has not been formally accused in the murder case, the Dallas Morning News reports that he is "expected" to be charged for the crime.

RELATED: Police Have a Person of Interest in the Texas DA Murder Case

Williams is a former justice of the peace who was convicted last year of stealing computer equipment from a county office. Kaufman County District Attorney Mike McLelland and Assistant DA Mark Hasse led the prosecution of that case, which resulted in Williams losing his job and his law license. He was one of the first people contacted for questioning after McLelland and his wife were murdered in their home, but has vigorously denied any involvement and said he held no grudges against the two lawyers.

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However, police say that an anonymous threatening email sent short after the McLellands were murdered was traced back to Williams, immediately making him a suspect. On Friday, police conducted a search of his home and on Saturday they searched a storage united rented by Williams in a neighboring town. In the search they found 20 weapons and a white Crown Victoria Ford (a model often used as police cars.) That car or a similar one was reportedly caught on surveillance cameras near the McLelland home on the night of the murder.


If Williams is found to have committed the murders, that would contradict the widely-reported theory that gang members affiliated with the white supremacist crime syndicates might have been involved. It would also mean there is no link between the Texas murders and the murder of Colorado's prison director Tom Clements, whose killer was affiliated with a Colorado prison gang.