SUV destroyed after catching fire on beach at Cape Hatteras

An off-road vehicle was destroyed after it caught fire in Cape Hatteras Friday morning.

Cape Hatteras National Seashore law enforcement rangers and the Avon Volunteer Fire Department responded to the fire, located just south of Avon, N.C.

Passengers in the 1997 Ford Explorer smelled smoke and got out of the car before getting seriously injured, according to a news release.

“The Seashore strongly recommends that tire pressure be lowered to at least 20 psi before driving on designated (off-road vehicle) routes in order to decrease stress on vehicles and help maintain travel conditions for other drivers,” David Hallac, superintendent of the National Parks of Eastern North Carolina, said in a statement.

A spokesperson for Cape Hatteras National Seashore did not immediately return an inquiry about what caused the fire.

Ali Sullivan, 757-677-1974,