Swedish prosecutor charges man with genocide in Rwanda

Preserved skulls are spread out on a metal shelf in a Catholic church in Nyamata April 9, 2014. REUTERS/Noor Khamis

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Swedish prosecutors have charged a 60-year-old man with genocide in Rwanda in 1994, the second such case brought by the Nordic country over crimes during the conflict. The charged man was not identified in line with Swedish judicial procedures but the prosecutor said he was a Swedish citizen originally from Rwanda living in central Sweden. "Just as during the first Rwanda trial, we are making clear that Sweden will not be a safe haven for those suspected of being war criminals and perpetrators of genocide," Chief Prosecutor Tora Holst said in a statement on Friday. Hundreds of thousands were killed during the genocide in Rwanda just over two decades ago. (Reporting by Johan Sennero; Editing by Alison Williams)