Swine Flu Outbreak Leads To Kissing Ban In Turkey


It was a case of “You may kiss the bride - but not any of the guests” for the groom at a recent wedding in Turkey - and he wasn’t the only who had to keep his tactile tendencies at bay.

Health officials concerned about the current swine flu outbreak in the country have banned kissing at celebrations and festivals throughout Turkey.

Several hundred Turkish people have been diagnosed with swine flu since the beginning of 2016, with 14 so far known to have died.

The virus A/H1N1 was detected in Mexico in March 2009, spreading around the world before arriving in Turkey this year.


Just married: The newlyweds weren’t allowed to receive congratulatory kisses from their guests (CEN)

The ban meant that the recent wedding of 20-year-old Ayshe Kizmaz and 21-year-old Mustafa Seker in Mersin’s Bozyazi District was a mostly smooch-free zone

In fact, only the bride and groom were allowed to kiss each other, and there were frequent announcements during the wedding reminding guests not to lock lips.

The couple married in Bozyazi Municipality Wedding Hall, and said the frequent announcements were a bit disturbing.


Mr and Mrs: The wedding ceremony was punctuated with regular reminders about the kissing ban (CEN)

Guest Mustafa Gurel Bolluk frequently told visitors via the PA system: “There have been warnings made by the Heath Group Presidency, there is an intense flu epidemic in the Mediterranean area. For this reason kissing is forbidden. Please do not kiss.”

Even the uncles of the groom got a strict telling off when they kissed the nephew to congratulate him and were reminded that they should be shaking hands instead.

Top image: REX