Targeting Rubio: Governors seek momentum after debate performance


Targeting Rubio: Governors seek momentum after debate performance

A trio of governors, Chris Christie, John Kasich and Jeb Bush, look to make up ground in the race for the Republican nomination and hope to benefit from Marco Rubio’s wavering performance during the GOP debate on Saturday. At the heart of the battle between Rubio and the governors is whether the freshman Florida senator has the experience and policy depth to serve as president — or whether he’s simply a well-spoken lightweight. Christie attacked Rubio in Saturday’s debate, and the New Jersey governor tripped up Rubio by calling him out in real time for his reliance on rehearsed talking points.

There was a march amongst some in the chattering class to anoint Sen. Rubio. I think after last night, that’s over.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie

Rubio, who had been heading into New Hampshire among Donald Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz as frontrunners, stumbled in the debate when challenged about his qualifications, repeatedly falling back on a retort meant to distinguish himself from President Obama, who also won the White House as a first-term senator. Meantime, while Christie went on the offensive during the debate, Bush and Kasich benefited from the afterglow.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could win being positive?

Ohio Gov. John Kasich