Taylor Swift Being Sued By DJ Accused Of Groping Her Bum

Errr, how does this work exactly?

Taylor Swift is reportedly being sued by a DJ who got fired from a country radio station in Denver, Colorado, after he was kicked out of a Taylor Swift concert and accused of groping her bum.

Yikes, it’s never a quiet day in the land of T-Swizzle, is it?

According to TMZ, David Mueller and his girlfriend had been invited backstage for a meet and greet when the reported butt-touching took place. However, David maintains that he had bumped into a colleague backstage and that was the person who boasted about groping her.

Erm, whoever did it, let’s just take a mo to reinforce that this is seriously uncool.

In the lawsuit against Tay and her team, the disgraced DJ claims that some time during the evening a member of the 25-year-old’s security team kicked him out of the arena for the incident that he vehemently insists did not occur.

As a result of becoming known as ‘the creepy guy who groped Taylor Swift’s bum’, David’s boss had no choice but to let him go, firing him from his DJ-ing job, which Dave thinks was seriously unlawful and all Taylor’s fault.

The star has not publicly responded to the lawsuit, but we can only hope that somebody can get to the ruddy bottom of what the ‘eck is going on and, if David really didn’t do anything wrong, the correct culprit is located and confronted for his actions.

After all, it’s never acceptable to touch somebody inappropriately, and it certainly isn’t cool to then pass the blame onto somebody else.