Teen Titans Go! - Appetite for Disruption DVD Review

Teen Titans Go! is the show people either love or hate. It’s likely you’ll see some of that hate immediately in the comments below. Many feel the existence of this show has determined that no other versions of these characters can exist in animated form. Others see this show as wacky and entertaining.

With the release of the Appetite for Disruption DVD, several episodes from the first part of the second season are now available. This release contains 26 11-minute episodes (you can see the full list of episodes HERE). One of the great things about this show and the episodes is you don’t have to worry about continuity to watch them. Whether they’re designed for those with short attention spans or for those that want to simply digest a quick blast of comic book mayhem, the episodes cover a wide range of topics, many are ones you wouldn’t expect to see in an animated short.

Of course the show is not perfect. While you may find yourself laughing and being astonished by what the writers come up with, there is still that part that wishes we could have a more traditional look at the Teen Titans. But the numbers tell us the show is popular. It's been reported as being the #1 show on Cartoon Network for kids 6-11 and apparently has been renewed for a third season. Accepting this show for what it is, it is successful.

This collection of twenty-six episodes gives us over four hours of entertainment. The show may be popular with the younger viewers (my niece became a huge fan as well), but it can be enjoyed by others. The fact is, just because you might like this interpretation doesn't mean you never want to see a more serious superhero animated show again.

The show has had its share of surprises, whether it's the appearance of a character like Aqualad or the revelation of who has "baby hands" or even what Robin looks like without his mask.

The show just keeps getting crazier and crazier. I'm always surprised by what they manage to pull out for the next one.

What it comes down to is, if you've watched the show and enjoy it, picking up the DVD is a no-brainer. It has a retail price of $19.97 and a running time of 286 minutes (it's selling for $13.98 on Amazon). The show is easily accessible for new or old fans. It's a way to introduce younger viewers to the characters even though their comic book counterparts are very similar to these versions. The way I see it, if it opens the door to comic book characters, that's a great thing. My first introduction to Spider-Man was through repeats of the Spider-Man 67 show, which was a bit far off from the comics and the Super Friends had a very very different feel as well. Those that do not care for the show, the good news is you do not have to buy the DVD.

If you haven't already, you can check out this supercut video showing the team doing what they do best.

VIDEO: Teen Titans Go! - "Appetite for Disruption" Supercut [01:15]

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