Texas Politician Calls For Everyone to Start Buying Cops' Lunches

Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick released a statement on the need for everyone to start appreciating police again.

When the nation finds itself in desperate need of a bafflingly tone-deaf statement relating to the renewed scrutiny surrounding the prevalence of police brutality, it never needs to look much further than Texas. On Wednesday, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick unveiled the following statement in an effort to inspire widespread displays of police appreciation:

Pay close attention to the third entry in Patrick's list of recommended appreciation tactics, which actually asks citizens to regularly purchase the lunches, desserts, or similar dining possibilities for local law enforcement. Coupled with the closing sentiment of "all lives matter," Patrick's suggestions add an unfortunate fracture to what should have been a message simply honoring Harris County Sheriff Deputy Darren Goforth, a maddening display of cultural aloofness that has thankfully not gone unnoticed:

As noted by many others, respect is not simply inherited when someone puts on a uniform. Respect is earned. Widespread abuse of power does not inspire respect. Continual policing missteps do not inspire respect. Institutional violence does not inspire respect.

Enjoy your lunch.


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