There’s Actually A Game Hidden In Facebook Messenger - Here’s How To Play

All this time, we’ve just been sending boring old text messages - when there’s actually a game hidden inside Facebook Messenger.

‘FBChess’ is built into Facebook’s free messaging platform - and can be accessed via mobile app and pop-up windows as well as the main messaging page.

It’s a proper chess game, which you can play against friends - even in the middle of a conversation.

To start a game, you simply type ‘@fbchess play’ - and Messenger detects whether an active game is present between you and the person you are chatting with.

Be warned, you are expected to know a fair amount of chess notation - there’s no drag and drop.

To move pieces, you type the name of the piece, and the space you want to move to, prefaced by @fbchess - ie ‘@fbchess Bb3’, which tells the game to move your bishop to space B3.

Confused? Thankfully, there’s a Help system built in - and you can access it by typing @fbchess help.